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Angela's Story

Initially Angela found it challenging to go from a ‘school’ environment to an ‘adult’ environment. Angela’s parents used to drop her off and pick her up at the same time each day, and she was resistant to changes in her daily schedule.

A few years on, Angela has developed into an accomplished artist under the tutelage of Life Skills Victoria Inc Mainstreet program. Her artwork has been entered in, and sold through, art exhibitions both in Gippsland and Melbourne including the Festival of Light and Switchback Gallery at Monash University and culminating in her own exhibition at ARC Yinnar. Through the encouragement of her drama tutors, Angela has grown in confidence taking on major roles at the annual theatre production at Moe Town Hall. In addition to this, she has presented to Monash University graduate medical students as part of their Disability and Society unit of study.

Angela has also completed two accredited training courses, including Work Education. In addition, Angela completed a Barista course and currently works at Cafe 65 at Japara Narracan Gardens.  The Angela of today, is far more confident, flexible, and open to change, taking on new challenges and achieving the goals she sets for herself.

Of Life Skills Victoria Inc, Angela said:

“I like to see my friends and classmates; I like drama and my art Zoom classes”

Angela said she likes coming to Life Skills Victoria Inc to see her friends and classmates.  She loves her programs.

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Life Skills Victoria Inc is situated on the traditional lands of the Braiakaulung People of the Gunaikurnai Nation. We acknowledge them as the traditional custodians of the land on which we operate and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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