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Our Vision & Values

About Life Skills Victoria

Who We Are

We are a community service organisation, originally established in the early 1980s by a group of people who saw a need and felt compelled to develop a service to support people with an intellectual disability.

Today our team is equally passionate about empowering people to reach their full potential.

These days we are not only an NDIS provider of excellence in Disability services, but we have also grown.

Using our vision for inclusion, we have developed the high street community hub where everyone is welcome. We are also a Registered Training Organisation again focusing on inclusive education for everyone.

We are committed to providing high quality supports, education, training, activities, and events that promote a connected, resilient, and inclusive community.


A society where all people can fully participate and make a valuable contribution as citizens.


As an organisation, our mission is to deliver quality services, education, and training to enable people to reach their full potential by:

  • Encouraging life-long learning
  • Providing a supportive and stimulating environment
  • Offering experiential learning opportunities
  • Being open to change
  • Developing self-advocacy skills and using person-centered planning


We will keep true to our core purpose and promise to people with disability, their families, and carers.

  1. We will relish uncertainty and change as an opportunity to be fluid, responsive and relevant.
  2. We will be an experimental, adventurous, innovative, and learning organisation.
  3. We will favour partnering and collaboration to build inclusive communities over competition for market share.
  4. We will take the task of graduating people with disability into an inclusive community seriously.


In 1983, a group of parents and like-minded professionals from Moe and Newborough formed a committee to discuss how they could help people access services in their local community. At that time, most people travelled to Cooinda Hill, a disability provider in Traralgon, to access services, provided there but, not in Moe.

Over the following two years, the committee and its volunteers organised many fundraising activities including running stalls, collecting donations, and local involvement at the opportunity shop.

In 1985, the Department of Human Services built a community residential unit on Saxtons Drive in Moe. The committee decided to use the money collected to build a day service on High Street in Moe. Along with the funds raised by the committee and by the Cork Club in Morwell, the Victorian Government provided a $190,000 grant to build and fit the building, and the Latrobe City Council leased the land for a small fee of $1.00 a year.

People first started at the unit, which was used as the venue for six months, after which 11 people attended the new building on High Street. The building was formerly known as Moe Friends of the Disabled, and after a year it was changed to Moe Life Skills Community Centre.

In 1999, Moe Life Skills further expanded its services to become a registered training organisation to deliver nationally recognised vocational education and training across Victoria.

To better support people with high complex needs, Moe Life Skills opened a second centre at Parer Avenue in 2002.

In 2016, the disability arm of Moe Life Skills was registered as Life Skills Disability Service and it provides quality, flexible, individualised supports for people with disabilities.

Also in 2016, the training arm of Moe Life Skills was registered as Life Skills Education Victoria.  It provides pathways for further education, training, and employment state-wide.

In keeping with its vision and mission to promote inclusion of people of all abilities within the local community, the ‘high street community hub’ was also opened next door on 4 High Street in 2016. The goal of the hub is to provide a community space for people of all walks of life, backgrounds, ages, and abilities.

With the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Moe Life Skills became a registered NDIS provider in 2017.

During 2020- 21, Moe Life Skills undertook a process to rebrand the organisation. This included the development of a new accessible website and a new name - Life Skills Victoria.

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Life Skills Victoria has achieved HDAA certification to the Human Services Standards and the National Standards for Disability Services.


What We Do

We see the person not the disability.

Our team are passionate about assisting people with disability to have greater choice and control of their lives.

Life Skills Victoria Inc is a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider of high-quality education, training, disability, and community services to enable people with disability to maximise independent lifestyles and full inclusion in the mainstream community.

We can work with you to tailor supports and services to achieve your goals and aspirations. Some of our services include capacity building, education and training courses, independent living skills, health, and well-being programs, and visual and performing arts programs and activities.

Capacity Building for Participation

Capacity building covers a broad range of programs and activities, including self-advocacy, personal development, community access, and the men’s shed. It aims to help individuals develop their own communication style, skills, and knowledge to exercise more choice and control, and participate in decisions that affect their lives. It also gives individuals the chance to try out and be challenged by new activities and tasks.

Education and Training

We are one of a few providers offering both pre-accredited and accredited courses. We offer pre-accredited programs through our Learn Local organisation which focuses on building confidence and skills that can lead to national accredited training or employment. We also offer nationally recognised accredited courses under our Registered Training Organisation (RTO) which delivers practical and hands-on Vocational Educational Training (VET) services that directly relate to tasks necessary for a particular job.

Skills for Community Living

Community living helps individuals to develop and strengthen the skills needed to have a more independent and inclusive lifestyle both at home and in the community. Our wide range of programs are tailored to individual needs and includes lifestyle and health issues, preparing and cooking meals, travel training, communication to meet every day needs, and better literacy and numeracy in everyday situations.

Health and Well-Being

We use a range of activities to promote and encourage good health and well-being, and to support a healthy living lifestyle. Activities include healthy lifestyles such as cooking, personal appearance, Fitness 4 U, swimming, court ball games, walking, small group exercises, armchair exercises, relaxation.

The Arts

Our arts program includes four key areas: drama, visual arts, creative projects, performing arts. Through a range of inclusive art, music, theatre, and dance projects our arts programs help participants with self-expression, creativity and to develop the confidence to participate effectively in the community.

Community Engagement

We have always had a focus on community unity and promoting understanding of people of all abilities within the community. The purpose of the newly developed ‘high street community hub’ is to provide a community space for everyone in Moe to meet and socialise.

These are just some of our supports and services. To find out more about how we can help you achieve your goals, please contact us today.

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Life Skills Victoria Inc is situated on the traditional lands of the Braiakaulung People of the Gunaikurnai Nation. We acknowledge them as the traditional custodians of the land on which we operate and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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